Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

I am a member of the National Education Association

The mission of NEA is "To advocate for education professionals and to unite our members and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world." 
The website covers a numerous amount of news concern education. Each news topic is separated into 5 categories:
  1. Leading the News
  2. In the Classroom
  3. On the Job
  4. Law and Policy
  5. Safety and Security 
They also have tabs labeled 
  1. Issues & Action
  2. Tools & Ideas
  3. Grants and Events
NAE Today: The State of Parent-Teacher Relationship is Strong
Summary: While the gap between home and school has made some closure there still remains a disconnect between parents and teacher. A survey done between Parent Magazine and National Education Association showed "88 percent consider teachers to a partner in helping their child succeed in school. Only 54 percent of teacher, however, believe parents do their part at home to assist them in accomplishing this goal." The finding were given to Parenting’s. Due to such an alarming disconnect a conference was held. "The panelists spoke to the audience about fostering a family-school partnership and offered solutions for bridging the gaps in communication as revealed by the survey."
A few pointers that were made at the meetings:
  • Do not look for the "one size fit all" approach"
  • Establish Trust
  • Take initiative

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing information about NEA. It is so sad that there is still a huge gap in the communication between parents and teacher. They all need to work together to contribute to a child's success, but obviously it will take a lot more time and patience to bridge this gap.
