Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

I am concerned about the whole man. I am concerned about what the people, using their government as an instrument and a tool, can do toward building the whole man, which will mean a better society and a better world.-Lyndon B. Johnson

“We are not really doing kids a great service if we are putting them in programs with teachers who are burned out, stressed out because they can’t afford to do the work and are leaving,” Whitebook said.


  1. The comment by Whitebook is all so true too often. If you are not in a good program/school that takes care of the teachers, they get burned out fast! I have been in a center who don't have any teacher support, and the pay was bad with no room for advancement and that is what happened...high turnover teacher rate...very sad!

  2. Chantay,

    What an interesting quote of Johnson. I hadn't heard it before. It makes me wonder what he means by a "whole man"--A well-rounded individual? A good citizen? A prosperous person? Or maybe man as a whole? It makes me want to delve further into his meaning. Thanks for the intellectual stimulation!

  3. @Julia I viewed Johnson meaning of a "whole man" as man as whole. The entire human-being mind, body, and soul. As teachers our goal is to nurture the mind but we have to deal with so many others levels than just the brain.

    @ReneeWoody I myself have left an after-school program because there was no room to grow as an employee. We were paid minimum wage and did not receive a raise no matter how well we performed or how long we worked for the company.
